Make Old Surfaces Look New Again
Use Polishing & Cleaning Epoxy on old surfaces and counters to make them look brand new again! If you’ve got a surface with lots of wear and tear, it’s no problem, Polish & Clean will get the job done. Remove scratches, stains, blemishes, and other imperfections from the surface of your epoxy project.
1 Bottle of Polishing Compound
Polishing Compound is a scratch remover and rubbing compound for removing small blemishes from the surface of your project. Use Polishing Compound to make your surface look brand new.
1 Bottle of Liquid Smooth Cleaner
Liquid Smooth cleans the surface and helps it feel smooth. This should always be the finishing touch on your project. Looks great, smells great and is non-toxic and FDA-approved!
Use with a Sanding Assortment Pack
For heavy scratches, we recommend using our Sanding Assortment Pack or 50-Grit Sanding Kits. These sanders are great tools for buffing out any noticeable mistakes. Then, use Polishing Compound as the final step of your project.
Safe and Non-Toxic
Both bottles of Polish & Clean are FDA-approved, non-toxic, and safe for many uses! They smells great and leave your surfaces looking fresh and brand new.