Crystic Resin 2.8500PA + Catalyst

£ 13.38£ 38.79 excl. VAT

Crystic Resin 2.8500PA is a low styrene emission, pre-accelerated, Orthophthalic polyester resin, which rapidly wets out reinforcements. It is a general purpose resin and suitable for non-critical and industrial applications. It has a 17 minute gel-time.

Larger sizes available please call +44 (0)1284 630028 or email

Based outside of the UK? Please note we have a €150 minimum order spend into the EU when shopping online. There is no minimum spend for delivery to a UK address.
CrysticScott Bader
Crystic Resin 2.8500PA + Catalyst
£ 13.38£ 38.79 excl. VAT Select options